A little bit of Heaven on Earth

I’m glad parislights asked for that Comfort Diner meatloaf recipe, because as it turns out, I was craving it. However, I stood firm in my solidarity with the Market Basket folks — notwithstanding all the slobbery anticipatory salivation, for which I apologised — and waited until I could once again get the ingredients at a sane price.

Inside the Heaven on Earth Meatloaf Co., Ltd. factory (click any image to view as a gallery):

Alton Brown’s spiffy creamed corn recipe is over here. Don’t skimp on the freshly-ground pepper in the creamed corn — there’s a sweet spot of exactly enough that will delight you when you hit it.

One thought on “A little bit of Heaven on Earth

  1. Parislights says:

    Ooo labo I am so sorry for always harping on this recipe for meatloaf. It Perfect w a capital P!

    Here I am first sunny day in quite some time round these parts. early evening and still bright out. I’ve just had an early dinner of… Won’t say as it was mix of so odd and nondescript… I’ve been bring up some old boxes from the basement from oh I don’t ten years ago ? yes yes am a few years behind unpacking, moving in etc. (“we moved I ’68 and we have been moving in ever since” ) so while having my simple dinner,I started perusing some old issues of Cooks Illustrated. don’t know if they are still going or not…but I did read them at one point. In the feb 2006 issue there was an article about meatloaf. the writer goes through 260 pounds of beef…110 meat loaves. Wow why is it numbers like that impress me? David Pazminos findings ? Three or four weird ideas. Best mix ? Equal parts ground chuck and ground sirloin. Best binder ? Saltines. Veal stock replacement ? Half teaspoon of …sit down for this one…powdered gelatine. With these, he says he has made a “truly luxuriant comfort food” . Who knew gelatine in meatloaf would offer “greater richness, as if we had added more fat” !!!
    So that was it. You might consider this oversharing eh?

    Mom and I will be coming up to Maine this summer for a Belon Oyster and some good eats in the Portland area. Ott island too. Would love to hear your advice and council for that region if you have any Lalo ! We had such a fine time at JT Farnhams and the Lobster Pool in Rockport which I think was your suggestion. Thinking of you and hope all well eh? Maybe you want to join us for a summer cookout up there ?


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