All you really need to know about the term

From Sky & Telescope:

“Astrologer Richard Nolle first coined the term supermoon in a 1979 issue of Dell Horoscope magazine.”

If I recall correctly, Dell Horoscope was found almost exclusively at supermarket checkouts, next to the National Enquirer and Weekly World News, the latter of which featured cover stories such as WORLD WAR 2 BOMBER FOUND ON THE MOON! and MOON TO EXPLODE IN 6 MONTHS! and – possibly a tie-in with Dell Horoscope – MOON DRIFTING TOWARD EARTH!

Today’s headlines are almost as silly:

  1. Keep eyes open
  2. Look up – chances better at night
  3. Will be mysteriously invisible if cloudy
  4. Will appear slightly larger than usual if not

Edited to add: This post is a few years old, but everything still applies. The cut of his jib? Admirable.

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